Friday, August 10, 2012

Wonder of wonders

An idea for family time at the beach house had been in our thoughts for several months, and much anticipated for some obvious reasons - relaxation, time with all of our daughters and their families together, in a lovely environment (on Lake Michigan), summer weather...
In reality it has been a very special occasion, more than we had even imagined.  The events that came together, some at the last minute, have been something of amazing to me.
The idea of a stay on Lake Michigan, in a private residence was the stuff of dreams for me - and certainly - something I dared only dream of.  When I determined that my lovely companion was serious  about such a venture, I couldn't imagine such a reality, given what it would likely cost; not to mention the likelihood of everyone being able to arrange busy lives to all cooperate with the same time frame.  When I was convinced to, at least,  see what kind of facilities might be available, I was further skeptical when anything I saw did not allow accommodations for as many as we had.
Finally, Holly suggested a website she was aware of that might provide some options.  It was then that we happened upon the property that pretty much fit our need.  Then we learned of Derek's sabbatical from work upcoming this summer.  I was encouraged.  We needed only to hope that they would be able to make a trip here (no small arrangement for them).  There was still the others schedules... and the COST!
It was suggested that we all share the cost equally (not sure how that would work - especially considering the additional cost of travel for the Tangrens.  Though it seemed impossible, everyone (except Greg) was able to squeeze time out for the same.  My only regret was that Greg was unable to be there until the culmination of the time together - the Sunday following.

Holly's experience with planning reunions with the Averys was most helpful in getting food arranged for, and Nikki's willingness to share her excellent teaching talents for FHE were perfect for the occasion.  We were delighted and, frankly, quite surprised with the success of the FHE activity ("Everything you wanted to know about grandma and grandpa, but didn't think to ask").  As it was we had to to close before questions stopped coming.
Of the many memories each will have, only some are: the planned beach activity (that thankfully, Holly pretty quietly orchestrated), the kite flying and the sand sculpture contest (she and Nathan also providing a watercraft that proved to be very popular) - which reminds me of Nathan's famous Mac n' Cheese and he and Ethan's smoothies.  And that reminds me of Nikki's delicious Cafe Rio Chicken, and all the  good eatin' we had.
The memories of the location cannot go without mention - the expansive view of the "unsalted" sea all along the horizon, with it's beautiful clear, clean waters, extensive sand bar for shallow, safe water play, the stunning sunsets, the footprints of wildlife left in the sands while we were elsewhere, warm gentle breezes, the beach grass hugging the path from our perch on the dune to our own private beach - unpopulated for miles, the scent of "sea spray" candle fragrance, and the comfortable (for the most part) private home we occupied - together.
The greatest delight for everyone was the fact that the Tangren's came from across the country and shared those darling boys with us.  Elijah was probably the most popular (followed closely by Noah =).
There were those many casual conversations between cousins, daughters, sons-in-law, etc., and who could forget that great game night, planned and carried off by Kobe.  There was the popcorn and marshmallows at the fire bowl with FHE, the T-shirt and FHE lesson storybook as take home reminders - and probably "tons"of "special" rocks and sand (in our shoes and other belongings).
And on and on... fireworks, nature photos, creative photography, relaxation, reading, pastel painting, sand drawings, sand casting, rock hunting, hugs, naps (at least, Noah, during lunch), a little tiki torch excitement, "yo ho ho, a pirates life for me", a birthday party - and presents for past occasions, hanging out in the cousins "dorm", Sunny locked out on a high balcony without any way to remedy (save for Nathan's rescue), etc., etc.
I especially liked the fact that though there was a TV, we only watched a video one evening with Jackson who was going through withdrawal - having no wii or basketball hoop to play with.  It, too, was a good relaxing, bonding time and it provided a theme for one of our successful sand sculpture entries.
And what could be a better finale for the week than EVERYONE being there with friends and some extended family for the baptism of Jackson and Jaleigh; a perfect end to a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ozzy earns Arrow of Light

Pam's son, Ozzy Otto, received his Cub scout Arrow of Light last week.  What a great accomplishment!  His dad, Alex, has been a great help, attending nearly every scout meeting with Ozzy. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

For those who haven't heard yet...

Elijah Luke Tangren was born on April 19, 2012 in American Fork, Utah, Utah ( for all of the family history people out there )  Weighing 7 lb 10 oz and measuring 19 inches ( for all of the`statistics people out there)  I went into the hospital to be induced but before they were able to give me the pitocin I'd already started to have contractions so that helped things to move along faster.  Four and a half hours later he was here.

We just liked the name Elijah and then he's distantly named after me with Luke which means "Light giving" since he was due on my birthday and was born two days after my birthday.

The other boys love "Baby Eli" already.

In other news Hyrum started Tee ball on Thursday.  He's so excited and is doing so well already. His team is called the Pirates and his number is 8.  We can't wait for his first game on the 12th of May.  We hope Mema and Papa can stay long enough to see it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Family

I hope more family members will get on this site soon and "SHARE" what's been going on in their lives.  I'd love to catch up on what everyone is doing.

My family just got back from a trip with Holly and family.  We went to Disney World for 5 days and then a 3 day Disney Cruise to the Caribbean. It was very fun to be together.  It works out nice since we have the teenagers (Jillie, Ethan, Reagan), then the Middles (Saroya and Kobe) and the Littles (Jaleigh and Jackson)- so everyone has a friend to hang out with.  (Although there were times when it was boys vs girls too).  We made a lot of good memories.

Back in the real world though, the kids are working hard to get caught up from missing a full week of school. :-/  

Reagan is in after school rehearsals almost every day.  She is part of her middle school show choir, she is singing in a solo and ensemble competition this weekend as well as performing in her middle school "Cabaret" show.  She's got a solo- "Popular" from Wicked and a duet from another musical that I don't remember right now- as well as performing in the ensemble numbers.  Anyhow, big day for her this Saturday :)

Jackson is very busy these days too- seems every week we have another visit to a doctor.  Since we moved here to Ohio in August he's been starting to create a new team of doctors.  He has seen multiple specialists and had more tests run and we are not done yet.  In Buffalo they tentatively diagnosed him with mild hypotonic cerebral palsy, but he doesn't fit any mold perfectly they they continue to put together the puzzle that is Jackson. :)  It's not easy- I hope we can find more ways to help him.  He's such a sweet boy and doing well in 1st grade - and on his basketball team too! :)

Anyhow- enough from me right now.  Post some updates and pass the word!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

I finally figured out how to write on the family blog!

I think I finally figured out how to write on the family blog!  Not much exciting here right now.  I put up a shelf in my bedroom.  I wish it were a cupboard because the birds (cockatiels who fly free in the house most of the time) get into everything.  They chew anything they can from paper to wood, and they love to pull all the pins out of my pincushion.
I went to the temple three times last week.  So nice to live near a temple.  When Alex starts work and I start watching the kids temple time is difficult to find.  I'm doing genealogy research a lot now too:  Also harder to achieve when I have the kids.
Does anyone know who the child in the lower left is (turned away)?  He looks about 4 and is near Richard Horatio W and wife Irene.
Richard W. Wadsworth and some of family about 1925

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tangren update

Pretty sure most of you have recieved the Christmas/New Years/Valentine's Day cards by now unless I didn't know where you were. :) If you didn't get one and want one please send me your address and I'll get you one as fast as I can.

Looking forward to this coming year though. We are expecting baby boy #3 in April ( on my birthday although no one is expecting a baby ON my birthday) We still have no name for said child so any suggestions are appreciated. We seem to be following Trent's example with all boys but with much less variety. But you never know we may actually be following Char's example and there will be a little girl on the end. We'll see how three boys is. We are planning to take the plunge into minivanhood in the next couple of weeks so we can all ride in the same car. Then we'll start saving to finish the basement.

Hyrum loves preschool now that his best friend from the neighborhood is in his class. Nothing as cool as Celia's forest school ( yes Jeannie I'm calling you out to tell us all the wonderful things that are happening in North Carolina) but he loves it nonetheless. Noah is eager to be just like Hyrum even as far as the potty goes. So he will probably be potty training much sooner than Hyrum's 3 year benchmark.

Derek is still traveling with work but it hasn't been as frequent as it was this last summer which we're really happy about. He was made a team lead recently so he won't have the client load he has had. Hopefully that will make for less travel in the future.

Sunny is enjoying the last few months of the slow paced life before another little guy gets here. At some point we need to decide where we're going to put his clothes and where we're going to put Noah when he does get here. We're nervous about putting up the bunk beds with Noah, who's a climber and top heavy, around.

Until I have something more exciting to add...I look forward to reading what's new with all of you! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Another beginning?

Facebook, twitter, (and who knows what else is coming along) aside, I was thinking it might be fun and worth while to start one of those old fashioned "Blogs", that everyone connected with us in any way can post to and keep in some kind of touch through technology... if not otherwise.  I'm not too savy when it comes to this kind of technology, so I'm not sure how this goes, but I was thinking as each becomes aware of this blog, they would invite others, as appropriate, and build the number of those who can share.
Since everyone either seems so busy with their exciting lives, or they're miles apart and have difficulty getting together in person (or both), perhaps each of us could consider ourselves a reporter and share the "goings-on"of our little part of the family world.  This way everyone could feel included and be more aware of the rest; and I mean everyone... spouses, children, grandchildren, significant others, etc, etc.
Maybe it's too much to expect that many would participate (being busy with those otherwise exciting lives), however I would like to try it and see what kind of sharing we can get.  Maybe if all who see this site hears of something among others, they could encourage that sharing; or share what they know of themselves.
For example, Pam & I, and our three daughters and their families have plans to get together this summer at a beach home on Lake Michigan to spend some "together time" with this little (17 of us now, and counting - 18 by then) part of the family.  We'll plan on sharing some of those activities when the time comes.
I've heard that Matt is going to Mackinac Island this summer (as he has in the past with  his scout troop) - this last time.  Tell us more, someone.
Most have heard about Steve and Jeannie's adventure in the Carolina's somewhere.  What is there to share about that?
What's going on in the art world with Jill (who has received some acclaim, I understand)?
I wonder how things are going with Linda and Andre in their efforts to establish a new home in West Michigan.
How's Chad? I haven't heard from or about him lately... and Casey?
To be sure, many have heard about Amy's great opportunity for advancement, but haven't heard about where she will be working on her doctorate.
I was just thinking about Charlie and Clarissa;  I can't imagine how they have grown since I last seen them, and wonder what's going on with them these days.
We've seen facebook posts of Ozzy and Chili (thanks to Dia). What more is there than those quick comment and photos?
So many more questions, and you may have them, as well as others too.  Add your's to the blog and share what you can with the rest of us.