Elijah Luke Tangren was born on April 19, 2012 in American Fork, Utah, Utah ( for all of the family history people out there ) Weighing 7 lb 10 oz and measuring 19 inches ( for all of the`statistics people out there) I went into the hospital to be induced but before they were able to give me the pitocin I'd already started to have contractions so that helped things to move along faster. Four and a half hours later he was here.
We just liked the name Elijah and then he's distantly named after me with Luke which means "Light giving" since he was due on my birthday and was born two days after my birthday.
The other boys love "Baby Eli" already.
In other news Hyrum started Tee ball on Thursday. He's so excited and is doing so well already. His team is called the Pirates and his number is 8. We can't wait for his first game on the 12th of May. We hope Mema and Papa can stay long enough to see it.